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Local Delivery Details
香港所有地區 (除不提供服務之地區外)。
不提供服務之地區 (包括但不限於以下地區):
離島區 : 大嶼山(除東涌、愉景灣)、坪洲、喜靈洲、 南丫島、蒲台島、長洲、昂坪、香港國際機場等;
以及所有禁區(除馬灣)、口岸區、 迪士尼樂園、 海洋公園、物流倉、中轉倉、需排隊等候提貨或送貨之倉庫及需支付入 閘費或登記費之倉庫。
馬灣、愉景灣、東涌: 逢星期三進行派送。如周三適逢假日,將於假日後兩個工作天內派送。
⻄貢: 逢星期四進行派送。如周四適逢假日,將於假日後兩個工作天內派送。
⻄貢市中心、白沙灣、高富樓、高勝樓、泰湖閣、翠塘花園、明順村、逸瓏海滙、⻄貢大廈、⻄貢花園、⻄貢苑、逸瓏 園、對面海邨、慶徑石、 蠔涌、匡湖居、莫遮輋、南圍、北港、打蠔墩、打鼓嶺、大涌口、 觀海樓、甲邊朗、滘⻄洲、 盈峰灣、南山、北港坳、菠蘿輋、 沙角尾、大網仔、太平村、躉場、下洋、坑口村、孟公屋、檳榔灣、 布袋澳、相思 灣、上洋、水邊村、大坑口、大環頭、田下灣村、馬游塘、茅湖仔、傲瀧、碧水新村、大埔仔、井欄樹、將軍澳村、魷 魚灣村、海下、高流灣、白沙澳、十四鄉、黃竹洋、榕樹澳。
Service Area:
All areas in Hong Kong (excluding Non-Service Areas).
Non-Service Areas (Including but not limited to the below areas):
Islands District: Lantau Island (except Tung Chung and Discovery Bay), Peng Chau, Hei Ling Chau, Lamma Island, Po Toi Island, Cheung Chau, Ngong Ping, Hong Kong International Airport, etc.;
And all restricted areas (except Ma Wan), Port areas, Disneyland, Ocean Park, logistics warehouses, transit warehouses, warehouses that need to wait in line for pick-up or delivery, and warehouses that need to pay entry fees or registration fees.
Delivery arrangements for remote areas:
Ma Wan, Discovery Bay, Tung Chung: Delivery every Wednesday. If Wednesday falls on a holiday, it will be delivered within two
working days after the holiday.
Sai Kung: Delivery every Thursday. If Thursday falls on a holiday, it will be delivered within two working days after the holiday.
Sai Kung District is only applicable to the following areas:
Sai Kung City Centre, Pak Sha Wan, Ko Fu Building, Ko Shing Building, Lake Court, Lakeside Garden, Ming Shun Village, Park Mediterranean, Sai Kung Building, Sai Kung Garden, Sai Kung Town Centre, The Mediterranean, Tui Min Hoi Chuen, Hing Keng Shek, Ho Chung, Marina Cove, Mok Tse Che, Nam Wai, Pak Kong, Ta Ho Tun, Ta Kwu Ling, Tai Chung Hau, Bay View Pavilion, Kap Pin Long, Kau Sai Chau, La Caleta, Nam Shan, Pak Kong Au, Po Lo Che, Sha Kok Mei, Tai Mong Tsai, Tai Ping Estate, Tan Cheung, Ha Yeung, Hang Hau Village, Mang Kung Uk, Pan Long Wan, Po Toi O, Sheung Sze Wan, Sheung Yeung, Shui Bin Tseun, Tai Hang Hau, Tai Wan Tau, Tin Ha Wan Village, Ma Yau Tong, Mao Wu Tsai, Mount Pavilia, Pik Shui Sun Tsuen, Tai Po Tsai, Tseng Lan Shue, Tseung Kwan O Village, Yau Yue Wan Village, Hoi Ha, Ko Lau Wan, Pak Sha O, Shap Sze Heung, Wong Chuk Yeung, Yung Shue O.
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